Below you will find some frequently asked questions regarding UGL trainings.
How long is a UGL training?
It is five days from monday morning to friday afternoon.
Does one live at the resort or hotel for the full 5 days?
Yes, living on location for the five days is an important part of the training and helps you get the most out of your investment of your time.
Will I have free time in the evenings?
Do count on having lots of free time during the training. There are sessions scheduled for each evening, monday to thursday. UGL is an intensive experience and at the same time very rewarding.
Do I have time for doing my regular work during my UGL?
As mentioned above this is an intensive training and you should alert collegues that you are away for five days investing time in your own leadership and growth. We advise you to stay away from working during the week so you can focus on the training or at least keep you regular work to a very minimum.
What should I bring to my UGL training?
Comfortable indoor shoes are a good idea. There will also be some time during the training to go for walks which is a good idea since you will be sitting still a lot during the five days. Therefore also bring clothes for taking a walk outdoors.
Somebody told me UGL has military background, what does that mean?
The original version of UGL was developed within the Swedish military in the early 1980s as a means to change the leadership to a more relational and effecient one. The training has since been modified and improved. In the mid 1990s it started to be used outside the military world in corporate businesses and other organizations and in the following years quickly became the most popular leadership training in Sweden.
For how long has UGL been translated to english?
There have been unofficial versions since a couple of years back, but now an official full-format version has been developed and not just translated but also adopted to the international setting. This work was done during 2006 and starting 2007 it will now be offered to the public as an English UGL.
Is the training aimed at english speaking people living in Sweden or from other countries as well?
The international version is not a direct copy of the original swedish version of the training, though it is similar in many ways. It has been modified to fit other cultures as well. Some of the elements have been adjusted so people from other cultures also can be comfortable with the experiential format of the training. In other words, people from other countries than Sweden (as well as those living in Sweden) are part of the target group for this training.