For more than 8 years we have involved with UGL trainings and helped people in Sweden have great experiences from these trainings. First we did it by arranging the trainings ourselves and later we have become the largest agent for UGL trainings in Sweden.
Through the years we have helped clients from more than 200 different organizations with their leadership training through UGL. Now that the concept has been adapted to be used also internationally and alongsides translated into english, we intend to continue this mission.
For the last few years we have continually monitored the satisfaction of our particpants through quality control surveys. Particpants fill in a survey right at the end of the training, but in addition to that we also follow up later date to see how the participant perceives the quality of the training in hindsight.
If one of the suppliers we are an agent for regarding UGL trainings receieves bad feedback we will bring this up for discussion with that supplier. If a supplier receives bad feedback on several occasions we will remove that supplier from our site.
This is our way of making sure you will get the best possible circumstances for having a great experience with UGL. One that takes you leadership and personal growth to the next level.